Frequently Asked Questions


Step 1: Before planting the shrub in your garden, make sure it’s thoroughly watered.

Step 2: Dig a hole twice as deep and wide as the shrub’s pot. Mix the soil with soil conditioner and other organic matters before taking the shrub out of the pot.  

Step 3: Lay the plant on its side, with one hand holding its head (top part), while gently easing the root ball out of its pot.

Step 4: Position the shrub in the center of the hole before filling the gaps around the sides with soil mixture.

Add a root stimulator or Biotone that includes a soil amendment product to get it off to the right start.

Step 5: Remember to plant the shrub at the same depth in the soil as the pot. If the shrub’s posture is a little too low, add a bamboo cane or a piece of wood to hold the plant upright.

Step 6: Once you’ve fully filled the hole, firm the soil with your feet – but don’t squash it. Make sure there are no air pockets in the soil and the shrub isn’t wobbly. Water the plant again with a full watering can.

TREES AND SHRUBS: Water newly planted trees and shrubs thoroughly 2-3 times per week for their first year. Increase watering during hot temperatures, and decrease during cool days. A thorough watering involves using the hose on a slow trickle for 20 minutes at the base of the plant. If you have a sprinkler system, watering for just 15 minutes a day will not be sufficient for newly planted trees and shrubs. –

PERENNIALS: Water newly planted perennials thoroughly every 2-3 days. This schedule can be cut back to one good soaking at least once a week after several weeks. Increase watering on hot and windy days, when the plant is more likely to dry out.

ANNUALS: Check annuals daily especially during the summer, as they tend to dry out quickly. Smaller containers and hanging baskets will need watering more often. Water 3-4 times per week, until water runs out the bottom of the pot.

HOUSEPLANTS: Water houseplants thoroughly once a week. Houseplants in drop-in containers should be watered and let drain fully in the sink before returning it to its container. Be sure you have adequate drainage and that the houseplant is not sitting in water. Try to position houseplants away from heating or air conditioning vents. Fertilize once a month.

LAWNS: Water newly installed sod once daily for at least one week after installation, and then watered 2-3 times a week until it starts to root. Early morning is the best time to water. Newly seeded lawns need light watering 2-3 times per day until seed germination, and then reduced to once a week afterwards. During hot summer days, you may need to water 2-3 times per week.